Funding Framework

BayTrust’s grants budget is allocated into four areas as per the below.  Allocations to each area and the annual budget is decided by the BayTrust Board on an annual basis, noting that a degree of flexibility will be maintained between the budgets of each area throughout the year.

Application Process and Questions

All applications are submitted online. If you are unable to apply online, please contact the office, and we will provide assistance. Once your application has been submitted online, you will receive an acknowledgement confirming that we have received it.

Grant applications up to $50,000 are reviewed monthly by the committee, and groups are advised to apply three months before they require the funds. 

Grant applications for $50,001 and over are reviewed quarterly by the full board and groups are encouraged to get in touch at least three to six months in advance of when they require the funds to ensure that their application will be reviewed in time. These applications will be worked with Baytrust staff to deliver a business case to trustees.

Applications for the Strategic Partnership Funding, are run through a staged EOI, shortlist, business case and presentation.

Impact Scoring

This assessment tool is another input to help us prioritise funding and look at the relative impact of the application. It is not designed as a rubric to determine the amount of funding or percentage of funding to be recommended, but rather as a robust tool to assist in and provide consistency across decision-making.

Each application is given an “impact score” out of 10 against the below, apart from the Bold Meaningful Change score which is doubled weighted and scored of out 20. 

  • How significant is the impact of the project on the community or environment?
  • How much need is in the community (deprivation)?
  • BMC Score (does it accelerate bold meaningful change?)
  • How well the organisation evaluates/demonstrates achievement of outcomes, and changes aimed for.
  • How deep / intergenerational / leveraged is the result of the activity?
  • Our funding % is enough that it impacts the activity going ahead.
  • What is the size of the targeted population (as % of local community, or target community, or BOP population)?
  • What % of beneficiaries are Māori? If environmental project, what proportion of Māori are represented in governance and kaimahi?
  • Where the organisation is on its journey to be environmentally sustainable (include climate change, biodiversity, waste and over consumption
  • What is the level of innovation and risk, does this have the ability to unlock/leverage additional funding into this area?

Monthly Community Support and Event Funding up to $50,000

Rationale:  A simple, fast and robust monthly application process where applicants are required to align with at least one of BayTrust’s Priority Areas, with a moderate level of evaluation, accountability, and reporting requirements.  Applications for this funding round need to be submitted at least three months before you need the funds.

  1. For applications up to $50,000; 
  2. MYF commitments and a medium level of non-funding support is considered;
  3. Evaluative practices are encouraged, especially if the group is a MYF recipient;

Quarterly Strategic Funding for applications over $50,000

Rationale: Quarterly Strategic Funding is where BayTrust will be looking to make a meaningful and measurable difference in the BOP through funding Strategic projects utilising a collaborative Partnership Approach.  Applications between $50,000 and $250,000 will be considered (more for BOP wide initiatives).  Greater weight will be given to projects that deliver in multiple Priorities Areas with a high level of evaluation, accountability, and reporting requirements. Please get in touch for consultation at least three to six months before you need the funds.

  1. The process will begin with a staff discussion with the group to assess if the activity seeking funding meets the intent and requirements of the round, and the group’s readiness and capability to work through the process;
  2. This may be followed by an expression of interest which will be reviewed by the BayTrust Board. If endorsed by the BayTrust Board, groups will be supported through the development of their business proposal by staff and additional resources as required utilising a partnership approach;
  3. Matched funds are desirable, but there is the ability to fund over 50% of the activity seeking funding;
  4. Groups that have applied for or received funding within the past 12 months from BayTrust are generally able to apply if the application is for a different project;
  5. Preference will be given to those groups willing to work in a partnership manner with BayTrust and a collaborative manner with other parties to achieve outcomes in a strategic manner;
  6. The BayTrust Board will agree on an annual basis whether to concentrate the funding on achieving a particular Priority area, enabling staff to specifically seek to partner with groups delivering this Priority area. 

Questions for the Monthly Community Support


This is where you provide information about your organisation including your: official organisation name, IRD Number, names of people involved, volunteer and staff numbers, contact details, bank account details, legal details, geographic information etc.


You to tell us about your programme or project and demonstrate alignment with our Priorities. The questions you will be asked are below:

Project/Programme Title

What will the grant be used for? - Operational costs/events/capital purchases/projects

What will this grant enable?- Give a brief description of the project, programme or activities you are seeking funding for. Ensure you give enough information that we can gain an understanding of your organisation and activities.

Anticipated start and end dates

Why is this project, programme or activity needed? What supporting evidence is this based on?– describe the context in which you operate, to help us understand why you need to undertake this activity/project.

Which one of our Funding Priorities best aligns with the outcomes you are trying to achieve?​ 

How do you evaluate your effectiveness? How do you know that what you are doing is achieving the outcomes, and the changes that you are aiming for?


Advise how many people will benefit from the project or programme, and let us know who and how old they are.


Include the total cost of the programme/project, how much you are applying to BayTrust for and how you are going to fund the balance. You also need to attach a comprehensive budget.

If your activity, services or project are not fully funded, please indicate how will you cover the shortfall? If you are unable to raise the full amount required, what will this mean for your activity, services or project? How do you plan to be funded in the long-term?

This is also where you provide information about your last year's Financial Accounts/Statements.


For an application to be processed at a minimum you must include:

Pre-printed Bank Deposit Slip;

Most recent year Annual Financial Accounts. If these are over six months old,  we will require further documentation showing your current financial situation;

A complete budget showing all income and expenses related to your programme or project;

You can also attach: feasibility studies, evaluation reports and supporting letters

You can include a link through to a website that shows media for Trustees to view

It is important to note that Trustees do not generally see attachments. If anything is critical to the application, you should include it as an answer in the project details section.

Innovation Allocation

We have a specific funding allocation of up to $500k per year to support new and innovative projects across the BOP. For a project to be innovative we expect to contain the following elements:

  • Novel:  Innovation involves creating something that is new or unique. This might be a new product, service, process, or business model that has not been seen before.
  • Creativity: Innovation requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This might involve generating new ideas, rethinking existing concepts, or combining existing ideas in a new and innovative way.
  • Value: Innovation must provide value to the community or environment. This might involve addressing a specific need or problem, improving efficiency, reducing costs, or creating new opportunities.
  • Impact: Innovation should have a significant impact on the person, the organisation, or the society as a whole. This might involve creating new jobs, improving health outcomes, or addressing social or environmental challenges.
  • Scalability: Innovation should have the potential to be scaled up or replicated in other contexts or markets. This might involve adapting the innovation to meet the needs of different users or markets or partnering with other organisations to bring the innovation to a wider audience.

Please note the innovation allocation can’t be used to:

  • fund existing projects or services that we already fund

Funding Pop up Content

Thank you for showing interest in applying for funding. We fund programmes and projects that work towards achieving our Outcomes and Priorities and contain the Attributes we require. These Outcomes, Priorities and Attributes are listed below.

Strengthened Whanau - Babies and Youth

Rationale: BayTrust recognises the importance of family and whanau as the basic unit in communities – when the family unit is strong, it follows that our communities will be healthy and strong. Our priorities in this area are:

​The first 1000 days of Child’s Life

The first 1000 days of a child’s life is the best time to make an investment into a child, and addressing the needs of a baby means effectively addressing the needs of the family. Evidence supports the value of investment into this phase of a child’s development as cost beneficial


  1. Programmes addressing the needs of families and children, e.g. parenting programmes, especially where addressing those identified at risk or with high needs;
  2. Programmes should have identified outcomes and a long term approach, be based on sound practice and show strong alignment to the effective interventions identified in our research.


BayTrust believes that when Youth are involved and engaged within their community – through a range of activities (work, sport, volunteerism, education) they are more likely to lead productive lives and become good citizens that will provide leadership for our communities in the future.


  1. Activities that support youth engagement;
  2. Youth support services and programmes that encourage youth to be productive members of the community, that are strengths based, have identified outcomes and a long term approach, are based on sound practice and can show strong alignment to the effective interventions identified in our research;
  3. That facilitate youth into post-secondary education, training or employment.

Vulnerable families and children

For a variety of reasons, some families, children and parents need assistance to reach their full potential, improve their lives, or recover from setbacks. Supporting family members to become strong will lead to strong communities.  


  1. Programmes addressing the needs of children, especially those who are at risk or vulnerable, to help them overcome difficulties and thrive
  2. Programmes or activities that support adults/parents who are vulnerable, at risk or disadvantaged
  3. Programmes should have identified outcomes and a long term approach, and be based on sound practice.

Inclusive Communities

Rationale: BayTrust has a role in fostering acceptance of community diversity and assisting those at a disadvantage to participate in and contribute to the community to the best of their ability. 


  1. Programmes that promote general health and wellbeing for those who are disadvantaged – through illness, inequality, age, disability or geographical situation;
  2. Effects of demographic changes on people and activities that focus on how to reduce the negative impacts of these changes, especially those that take a regional perspective;
  3. Activities that promote the acceptance of diversity within our communities

Safe communities

Rationale: Feeling safe within communities is necessary to personal wellbeing and enjoyment of our natural resources.


  1. Lifesaving, Coastguard, water survival and safety organisations and activities;
  2. Search and Rescue operations and organisations;
  3. Community Policing activities and organisations

Healthy Sustainable Housing

Rationale: We recognise the importance of healthy, sustainable housing in enabling people and families to lead healthy, productive lives.


  1. Programmes that address issues of sub-standard housing and or lack of social housing;
  2. Retrofitting insulation programmes where there is a community approach to the programme.


Rationale: Community development encourages communities to address their own issues, build on their own strengths and natural advantages. This builds cohesion, enhances the lives of people within communities and increases their sense of belonging, wellbeing and happiness.  Economic vibrancy, prosperity and jobs that provide a sustainable wage or better, plus all year round employment are essential to retain citizens and enable communities to thrive.


  1. Community organisations and activities that facilitate community development at a community level, encourage community cohesion and pride, volunteerism and equity amongst citizens;
  2. Activities that seek to address economic challenges, or improve economic welfare; the creation of sustainable employment opportunities;
  3. Activities that encourage or support the creation and enhancement of social enterprises.


Rationale: BayTrust recognises the benefit of sport and recreational activities in contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of community members, and the role sport plays in providing a mechanism for inclusion of individuals in a community. BayTrust believes the most strategic manner it can contribute to sport is through its involvement in the CoachForce programme which is delivered across 19 sporting codes across the BOP region by our strategic partner Sport BOP, and achieves recognisable community outcomes.


  1. CoachForce programme due to its wide coverage and identified community benefits;
  2. Other sports and recreational activities that are not supported by CoachForce where the activity is an important part of that community, is well supported by the community and is easily accessible to all.


Rationale: BayTrust believes involvement in arts, culture and heritage, community activities and events enriches people’s lives and increases their sense of wellbeing and connectedness.


  1. Applications for community driven arts, cultural and heritage opportunities / activities that enrich the lives of communities through active participation and that ideally work in a collaborative manner reflecting community priorities e.g. community arts programmes.
  2. Contributions to capital costs (generally up to a maximum of 20%) for buildings or assets where they are of strong local significance or historical importance with considerable wider community benefit.
  3. Events up to $15,000 maximum where the majority of the below elements are present:
  • a free to the public component;
  • high community appeal (the event reflects the interests of a high % of the community);
  • outreach to schools or youth involvement;
  • local community involvement in the organisation and delivery of the event;
  • high volunteer involvement;
  • where BayTrust funding will make a material difference to the event;
  • that have material economic development spin offs.

Tū Māori mai

  1. Activities or programmes that promote a strong Māori cultural identity (including Te Reo and tikanga) and contribute to a range of positive outcomes,
  2. Activities or programmes that help build knowledge of local Māori histories that help build understanding and positive collective futures
  3. Contributions to capital projects on Marae (up to $15k).


Rationale: We need strong community organisations and strong community leaders to deliver good quality programmes and activities that address community needs and aspirations.


  1. Activities that build the capacity and capability of community organisations or social enterprises, especially those that drive greater sustainability; support evaluative practices, service improvement and collaborative practices;
  2. Activities that support and enable community leaders;
  3. Activities that encourage and support volunteerism.


Rationale: The natural environment is fundamental to the sustainability and future of BOP.


  1. Community led natural environmental initiatives;
  2. Activities that promote community involvement in sustainability practices or raise awareness of environmental issues at a community level;
  3. Activities that recognise the natural environment as a cornerstone of sustainable communities and support those that show leadership within this space.


To help determine the likelihood of
funding success BayTrust will apply
its funding strategically by investing
in programmes and activities that
contain the following attributes:

1. Are BOP wide or BOP replicable, and are
       community led.

2. Contain measurable outcomes and
       embedded evaluative practices.

3. Build capacity and capability of
       community groups and individuals who
       are potential community leaders

4. Support those in the BOP who have the
       greatest need

5. Incorporate a Partnership approach

6. Foster Youth engagement and early child

7. Deliver innovative solutions to social issues

Note: the more of these attributes that an application can demonstrate it meets, the more likelihood of funding and the greater the funding that can be accesses.

My progamme, activity or project aligns with the above > 

My progamme, activity or project does not Align with the above >